Hip pain is a very common concern, especially with increased aging and an aging population. Common hip joint ailments treated include bursitis, labral tears, osteoarthritis and tendonitis. At Broward Outpatient Medical Center, we have compassionate board-certified orthopedic doctors who offer effective pain relief solutions and surgical treatment of hip pain and movement conditions at our Pompano Beach, FL location. 


Bursa are located throughout the body – mostly where muscles and tendons glide over bones – to help decrease friction between surfaces as they move in different directions.

When bursa become inflamed and loses the ability to glide, it is called bursitis. Bursa becomes irritated, rough, and swollen, causing increased friction within an already confined space. 

Bursitis may be caused by traumatic injury, repetitive movement, excessive or prolonged pressure, or inflammatory illnesses such as rheumatoid arthritis. 

Symptoms of bursitis include:

  • Tenderness

  • Pain with movement of the arm or on the outside of the shoulder or upper arm

  • Swelling

Patients with bursitis almost always respond to non-surgical treatment, which may include:

  • Anti-inflammatory medications

  • Cortisone injections

  • Ice application

  • Exercise/physical therapy

Labral Tear

A labral tear is a tear in the hip joint cartilage. The cartilage is a ring of soft tissue holds the hip joint together. This cartilage follows the outside rim of the socket of the hip joint and is called a labrum.

People born with structural abnormalities or those with osteoarthritis are susceptible to a labral tear. It may also be caused by trauma to the hip joint or repetitive motions in sports. People who play ice hockey, soccer, football, golf, and ballet are at higher risk of developing a hip labral tear.

Symptoms of a labral tear include hip pain and/or a “catching” sensation in the hip joint.

After examining and diagnosing a labral tear, our specialist doctor might recommend medication to relieve the pain, physical therapy, and/or arthroscopic surgery. 


Osteoarthritis (OA) sometimes called degenerative joint disease, is the most common form of arthritis in the hip. Arthritic joints occur when there is a loss or damage to cartilage in and around the hip joint. This loss of shock absorption causes inflammation and pain. For effective relief form osteoarthritis related pain and movement limitations, call 754-205-0682 or fill out the form to the right for compassionate orthopedic care by a board-certified orthopedic surgeon in Broward County, Florida.

While no cure exists, treatments are available that can relieve pain and help you remain active. Taking steps to actively manage your osteoarthritis may help you gain control over your symptoms.

Common symptoms of osteoarthritis include:

  • Pain, tenderness, or stiffness in your joint

  • Loss of flexibility in your joint

  • Bone spurs, which are extra bits of bone that feel like hard lumps and may form around the affected joint

back pain surgery broward county

Symptoms of facet joint syndrome in the lower back include pain or tenderness in the lower back; pain in the buttocks and thigh; and/or stiffness or difficulty with certain movements. When facet syndrome occurs in the neck, symptoms might include headaches; shoulder pain; neck pain; and/or difficulty rotating the head.

Our staff diagnoses facet joint syndrome with a thorough physical exam and imaging (x-ray, MRI), and treatments include physical therapy and medication.

Tendon Tears

Tendons connect muscles to bone, and inflammation of these rope-like tissues is the most common cause of soft-tissue pain. There are literally hundreds of tendons spread throughout the body, but typically there are only a few tendons that cause problems. Damage to tendons most often occur in the knee, ankle, shoulder, and wrist. At Broward Outpatient, our doctors are board-certified orthopedic surgeons in with expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of tendon injuries and conditions.


Overuse or damage to the tendon over a long period of time can cause the collagen fibers in the tendons to form small tears, a condition called tendonitis. When tendonitis occurs, movement in the area of the inflamed or torn tendon will become very painful.

Tendonitis is almost always diagnosed upon physical examination. Common symptoms include:

Tenderness directly over the tendon
Pain with movement of muscles and tendons
Swelling of the tendon

Occasionally, there is an anatomical cause for tendonitis. If the tendon does not have a smooth path to glide along, it will be more likely to become irritated and inflamed. In these unusual situations, surgical treatment may be necessary to realign the tendon.

Torn Tendons

Most tendon injuries and torn tendons are confirmed with an MRI. Depending on the severity of the tear, arthroscopic surgery is sometimes necessary. If the tear is mild, you might be a candidate for a new procedure called Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). PRP is a new treatment option for various orthopedic injuries and conditions, which have traditionally required surgery or other extensive treatments. Using the patient’s own blood, specially prepared platelets are concentrated and then re-injected into the affected area. The platelets, in turn, release substances known as growth factors that lead to improved natural tissue healing.



If you are struggling with hip pain, and would like a proper diagnosis and treatment, please call


or click on the link below to schedule your medical evaluation.