Knee Pain and Movement Conditions

In the knee, ligaments, muscles, and tendons help confine motion within safe limits while the menisci and cartilage cushion the knee against considerable forces. Typical injuries treated for the knee are internal derangement, which is a torn medial meniscus; torn anterior cruciate ligament; patellofemoral arthritis; instability and chondromalacia; tendonitis and bursitis about the knee joint with torn ligaments; and tendons and tendonitis in the knee joint.

If you want to schedule a consultation or appointment with the top Knee Surgeons in Broward County, to ensure the best possible results from your surgery, contact us today: Call us at 754-205-0682 or fill out the form to the right. 

Internal Derangement of the Knee

Internal derangement of the knee (IDK) involves either a ligament or medial meniscal tear, which are two of the soft tissue structures that stabilize and cushion the knee joint (the other two are muscles and tendons).

Patellofemoral Instability

People with patellofemoral instability have a sensation of the patella, or the kneecap, slipping away or feeling loose on the movement of the knee. In some cases, the patella dislocates from the knee. In either case, there may be swelling and a feeling of pain in the front of the knee.

knee surgery in broward county

The instability may be caused by over-flexible ligaments around the knee or structural abnormalities, such as the patella being too high within the knee joint.

Several non-surgical treatments are available, including bracing, physical therapy and/or taping. We may also recommend arthroscopic surgery when necessary.

Runner’s Knee (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome)

Runner’s knee is common among runners, but other athletes, including walkers and bikers can be affected as well. It can result from overuse injury, direct trauma to the knee, misalignment, foot problems, and weak thigh muscles.

The most common complaint is aching knee pain around the kneecap, but people suffering from runner’s knee may also feel pain when bending the knee or walking downstairs. The knee may swell or make popping or grinding sensations.

We diagnose runner’s knee with a physical examination and imaging (x-rays, MRI), and possible treatments include rest, medication, and physical therapy. 

Shin Splints (Tibial Stress Syndrome)

Shin splints are common among athletes, but weekend warriors and non-athletes alike may suffer as well. People with shin splints feel throbbing and aching in the sins. They may be caused by:

  • Swollen muscles caused by overuse

  • Stress fractures

  • Over-pronation, or flat feet

Treatments for shin splints include icing, anti-inflammatory medication, rest, physical therapy, or arch supports for the shoes.

Torn Knee Ligaments

Ligament tears in the knee are common. The knee has four major ligaments: the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), the medial collateral ligament (MCL), the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and the lateral collateral ligament (LCL). Each ligament restricts certain abnormal movement of the knee, and motion beyond these limits may produce damage in the form of a partial or complete tear.

Symptoms of a knee ligament injury include sudden and severe pain; a loud pop or snap; swelling; a feeling of looseness in the joint; and/or the inability to put weight on the knee without pain.

To diagnose a torn ligament, we will take an x-ray or MRI of the knee. Treatments may include rest, ice, compression and bracing, elevation, medication, physical therapy, and in some cases, orthopedic surgery.

Torn Meniscus

Along with ligaments, muscles, and tendons, menisci are the soft tissue structures that stabilize and cushion the knee joint. Meniscus are tough, rubbery wedge-shaped pieces of cartilage that act as “shock absorbers” between the thighbone and shinbone. There are two menisci in the knee – one is on the inside and is called the medial meniscus, and the other rests on the outside of the knee. This is called the lateral meniscus.   

People who play contact sports – such as tackle football – are at risk for meniscal tears. Anyone is susceptible, though. A meniscus tear is most often caused by traumatic injury or degenerative disease, such as osteoarthritis. The movement that causes the tear is when the knee joint is bent (such as in a squatting position) and the knee is then twisted.

Symptoms of a torn meniscus include knee pain; stiffness or swelling of the knee; tenderness; popping or clicking within the knee; catching or locking of the knee; and/or limited range of motion of the knee joint.

We diagnose torn meniscus with images, including x-ray or MRI. Depending on the extent of the injury, he may recommend physical therapy, medication, and/or arthroscopic surgery.

Treatment for Knee Pain

Depending on the knee injury that is causing the pain, there are a variety of treatment options. Diagnosis of the correct injury is key to identifying your treatment. At Broward Outpatient, we have the most advanced, cutting edge diagnostics available. As part of the diagnosis and treatment, our Orthopaedic Care Team will help treat your pain and get you back to full functionality. To learn more about our Orthopaedic Care Team, click here. 

How long does it take to heal?

While the exact healing time depends on your specific injury, it is important to point out that BOMC uses a very unique surgery method that includes Stem Cells to begin healing immediately, as well an anchoring method to start recovery immediately. Although there is some dispute in the medical community, we have found that these methods dramatically shorten the recovery time for our patients, and lead to a more complete recovery.

What type of insurance do you accept?

We are often asked what insurance providers we accept.  The answer is clear: We accept out of network benefits from all carriers.  If you have specific questions, we are happy to offer a complimentary insurance verification with your company. Give us a call at 754-205-0682 or submit the form below to receive the complimentary verification.


If you are struggling with knee pain, and would like a proper diagnosis and treatment, please call


or click on the link below to schedule your medical evaluation.